Friday, May 06, 2011

Spring Beauties

OK - I have never claimed to be a nice person.  The herdsman didn't show for the beginning of milking and I didn't call him.  Lisa, the intern, was working w/ me so according to procedures, we didn't require him to start.   The truth is I feel peeved calling him to remind him that he's late for work.  

This afternoon, I took an amaryllis over to the Nursing Home.  Aunt June was so pleased and people stopped by her room just to see it.  I got there when everyone was getting manicures and she let me paint her nails a light lilac tint - a big change over her usual choice of clear polish.  So... while I'm not nice, I have moments where I do good.


Anonymous said...

These are the excuses I have heard in just the last week. ""There was a train in the way. "My watch must have stopped". "The alarm did not go off". "I just couldn't get "started" today". At least the last excuse was the most honest. But...I don't supervise these folks so agree with you - just go on with the job and work around it.


Anonymous said...

These are the people who just assume someone else - who is actually responsible- will be there to do their job.
If at all possible, don't do their job and let the chips fall where they may.