Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Ramp (Wild Leek)

My niece e-mailed me that she had found census reports on-line and had been looking up the family.   My grandfather showed up on the 1910 census as a butcher (he hadn't yet moved to the countryside and started farming).  She then looked up my grandfather's brother - Albert.  She found only one Albert Mayer in the state but according to the census he was in jail in 1910.  She asked if the dear sweet man she had met long ago was once an inmate.  What family gossip did she not know? I e-mailed back that Uncle Albert's name was really Eugene Albert so she'll need to look him up under that name.  Too bad really, the family saga could use a little spice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whew! Good to know.