Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Red clouds and blue sky

Yesterday, Eric, the dairy owner, came in to check on how things were going w/ the milking and was talking about Libya.  It didn't sound like he had heard the latest news (not all that surprising at 5 am) so I said, "Obama was shot". "What!" cried Eric. "Osama - Osama bin Laden was shot", I corrected.  Thought I was really losing it but today, on one of the talk shows, there was a clip of various newscasters where each one made the exact same error.  One poor lady did it 3 times in a row at at one point saying, "Obama himself gave the order to kill Obama if necessary".  Must admit that I was laughing by the end of the clip.  If they can make the mistake reading it from a  teleprompter, I'm not going to worry about my little mental lapse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did the same thing myself at least once that day.