Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mayer headstone

It rained this morning but had cleared somewhat by the time I loaded the flowers in the back of the car.  I rather enjoy putting flowers on the graves for Memorial Day.  Placed a planter for Grandpa & Grandma Mayer, a hanging basket for my parents, a pink geranium and asparagus grass for my niece, and deep red geraniums for my brother's grave.  It was an annual rite while I was growing up.  My grandmother had an extensive garden and seemed always to have flowers in bloom for Memorial Day.  We would cut them the night before and place them in water, arrange them the next morning, and my grandfather and I would go to the cemetery early Saturday to set them out.  There aren't as many real flowers in the cemetery as there were when I was growing up.  However, I will always use only real flowers.  Even though she's been dead many years, I'm still too afraid of my grandmother's wrath were I ever to put out artificial. 


Anonymous said...

Very nice. Thank you for carrying on this tradition of respect, that we learned at a young age, from our grandparents. Remember how we hoped the Bleeding Heart would be blooming by Memorial Day? Usually had Peonies, but not always. Good memories....


Rachel said...

Did you go to another cemetary as a kid with Grandpa Emil? Or do we have more relatives in the Bruce cemetary?