Sunday, May 15, 2011

Anticipating Sunrise

Outside it is very aromatic.  Not from flowers or trees but from manure pits.  The farmers are emptying them and putting this "liqued gold" on the fields before they are plowed/tilled/planted.   There is a wind today and I'm not sure if that is good or bad.  Maybe the stench would be worse if we didn't have the wind to spread it out.  I think it is more likely that the wind is from the direction of most of the fields so it is wafting the smell this way.  Either way - it's too cold to open the windows anyway so a scented candle is enough to keep the house from reeking.  If you are outside... well get used to it after awhile.  It won't last long and in a few days the only odor I'll have to worry about is from the skunks.

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