Wednesday, April 06, 2011

There is a reason they are called "White-tail"

The herdsman was relating his experience voting yesterday and he was not impressed w/ the "white haired old women" he had to deal w/ at the polls.  I gave him a scathing look.  He said they were so old he had looked behind their chairs to see where they had parked their walkers.  OK ... maybe I'm a little sensitive since I help run elections and, yes, when we have training classes most people there are older.  Even the state wants to know how old our election workers are.  I have to submit stats after each election and one of the questions is the age of each poll worker.  Haven't found anyone who can explain why the state wants to know this so I just ask each worker how old they would like to be and submit that.  Interestingly, all 3 of the people working this election wanted to be 65.  Guess my best years are still to come!

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