Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Finally got Indy in for her rabies and Lyme's vaccinations today.  My vet is primarily a "large animal" vet.  He only reserves 8-10 am for people to bring in cats and dogs.  After that, he is on the road going out to farms to check cattle, horses, sheep, and pigs.   While he is at a farm, if the farmer wants his dog or cat looked at, given shots, etc., they have the vet do it then and there.   Since I work in the mornings, I have to find a time when he is in the office in the afternoon and hasn't been called out on an emergency.  Of course, it would be easier to go to the other vet in town who specializes in pets.  I do use her when I have an emergency like last year when Indy had a mouth full of porcupine quills.  However, I prefer my vet's philosophy - care and health of an animal within practical limits.  He's very good and his prices stay reasonable.  However, don't expect a white lab coat or the latest and greatest diagnostic equipment ...plus... he reserves his "pleasant bedside manner" for just the animals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was this explosion one of Brent's from last summer?