Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bear prints in the sand

April showers bring May flowers.  Three days this week we had snow - guess that saying doesn't specify what kind of showers.  Anyway, the farmers are getting antsy to get into the fields.  One stopped by to do some township business and let me in on all of the local gossip.  Must have been a long cold winter because he had some good stuff - even better than what I hear at the beauty salon.  My problem is that, just like cow's names, I either don't know or can't seem to remember most of the names of people in the area.  When he left I knew stuff had happened but not by who or to whom.  Just as well.  Can't spread gossip when you don't know if you are telling the person you are talking about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I assume these are black bear prints because of where you live. However, is it possible to tell what kind of bear based solely on their paw prints? Was always curious about that.