Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Snow and Sky

I tried to get to work but didn't make it.  11" of blowing snow had obliterated all signs of my driveway.  I drove off the edge and got royally stuck.  Tried to dig myself out but the whole frame was sitting on old crusted snow and the tires just spun.  I called into work and let them know I wouldn't be in.  Frustrated, I did two loads of laundry, cleaned the foyer, kitchen, dining room and bathrooms.  Did my taxes, and was starting on some other paperwork when I heard Scott B., the guy who cleans my driveway outside.  I went out to warn him that under all of that snow in front of the house, were deep ruts and soft earth and he shouldn't plow there.  He said he could probably get my car out of the ditch so I cancelled the tow truck and Scott B. and his uncle, Blake, managed to pull it free.  I absolutely hate missing work but the house does look pretty good now.  Will leave the car at the end of the driveway tonight.  It'll be a long cold walk to it tomorrow morning but my psyche can't handle getting stuck twice in a row.


Anonymous said...

Looks pretty barren out there!

Brent said...

It certainly has been a snowy winter. Got only about 5 inches over here in MN. I know it takes something major like getting stuck for you to miss your milking. Hopefully this will be the last big snow. I bet this snow was not welcome by the birds migrating back.