Thursday, March 24, 2011

Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens)

Where ever I went today, people had storm stories.  Both the herdsman and afternoon milker got stuck in the snow.  Mike was asked to pick each of them up. (I told him he needs to get a chauffeur's license.)  The dairy had to wait an hour before starting the afternoon milking because the milk truck was stuck and hadn't picked up the milk (the bulk tank was too full to hold another milking and it isn't possible for the truck to pick up the milk once a milking has begun).  Parts of the county lost power overnight. My beautician's house temp fell to 59 degrees before power was restored.  Two local TV stations went off the air when their transmission tower went down in the storm.  Fortunately, they were NBC affiliates so we didn't lose access to any popular shows! (ha)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to stay safe at least!