Friday, March 18, 2011

Making sap while the sun shines

Saw Russell in the woods.  He was putting in a few more taps on the maple trees.  Said he wasn't happy w/ last year's syrup so was hoping this year would be better.  (Not being a maple syrup connoisseur, I thought it has all tasted grand.)  Have been using his tractor trails to get further back in the woods.  Even though it's been above freezing every day this week, there is still a lot of snow in the woods.  I'm just glad to be able to get out and feel the sun on my face and wind in my hair.  (Reminds me, I need to get my hair cut and back to one color.)


Rachel said...

There is hardly any snow left here in Madison. Spring is near! Only a day away from the vernal equinox. Oh yeah, Sue, when you go out for your dance, watch out for the stealth cam we put out to take pictures of the bares. It's near a big tree with lots of little trees around it.

Rachel said...

oops ... that should be bears not bares

Anonymous said...

Would love to learn how to do this from Uncle Russ someday.