Friday, February 11, 2011

Sunset clouds

OK, it was late when I put out yesterday's blog, I was tired, and maybe a little melodramatic about facing another frigid morning at work.  The weather forecaster on TV had been promising a warmer Friday all week and I'd been lulled into thinking I was through the worst.  The clouds he promised would come in and keep the temps from plunging didn't materialize and it was another 30 below morning.  My cold has reached the "disgusting phase" but at least I'm feeling much better.  Decided not to push it though and took a bath and a nap when I got home.  According to the medical books, I should be over it by Saturday.  Hope they are more accurate than the weatherman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have several extra beds whenever you wish to visit a warmer climate. No below zero stuff here. (I wash sheets between guests too- no extra charge).