Saturday, February 05, 2011

My Driveway

Got up this morning and shuffled over to the window to see if there was going to be a sunrise worth taking a picture.  I opened the shade and gasped.  I was alone in the world.  The fog was so thick I couldn't see my neighbors, the woods, even the horizon.  Just a blank wall of misty white a few feet out from the windows.  When the sun did come up, we went outside and I put Indy in a sit & stay in the driveway in order to have something for the camera to focus on.  The fog didn't stop me from going into town for breakfast and completing some errands.  As I turned into my driveway afterward, I thought that I really need to plant some trees down at least one edge of the drive so I can see where the road is.  That's when my tire caught in a drift and started pulling the car into the ditch.  I turned the wheel to the left and gunned it.  That did power me out of the ditch but the car skidded across the icy drive and ended up stuck on the opposite side of the drive.  Guess planting those trees will be a higher priority this spring.

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