Sunday, January 16, 2011

K - Old broken tree stand

Town caucus was on Saturday.  At our level of government, Republican or Democrat don't really mean anything so our caucus isn't by any political party or special faction.  Just everyone in the township that is interested gets together to nominate people to run for the town offices.   I brought the meeting to order, but being a current elected official, couldn't run the meeting.  I asked for volunteers.  Mr. Quade is 90 but was the town chairman for 24 years and graciously offered his services.  The current town chairman, clerk, and treasurer will run unopposed.  However, both incumbent supervisors declined nomination.  One has a new job which takes him out of the area most of the month and the other has been a supervisor for awhile and felt it was time for new blood.   We actually had 3 people nominated for the 2 offices so there will be a choice for people to make when they vote in April.  Whole meeting took about 1/2 hour.  Come to think of it, maybe the Democrats and Republicans could learn a couple of things from us: got the job done, within budget and time constraints.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the K. Was wondering how you were going to find that one. Assumne you did not have to move anything.
