Friday, January 14, 2011


Not a good day.  From having to call the new herdsman because he was late for work again to losing the Insect Picture bet, I was feeling kinda low. Indy looked at me and said what I needed was a long walk.  (Of course, whether it's celebrating or mourning, Indy always thinks a long walk is the answer.)  My neighbor had swung his snowmobile around the house yesterday and made paths for me through the snow so Indy and I went out for around two hours.  It wasn't until I found some chickadee's feeding on a deer carcass that I finally brightened up.  Had never seen that before.  Can't be that bad a day when you learn something new.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Olivia said her favorite pic on the Insect Bet was 'B'.
Who took that one?
