Came back from work this morning and saw that the road crew, who yesterday had promised not to touch the lilacs, had come back, mowed them down and mulched them. Took a walk w/ Indy to clear my head. Cut some balsam branches to put in the house. Pulled down some deadmen (I really hate deadmen). Got started on a new photography project. As usual, we both came back from the walk, energized, and feeling right w/ the world. You've got to pick your battles and the lilacs will grow back - eventually.
would it help to write a letter to the town paper?
Is some kind of compensation in order since the trees were on your land? That would really make my blood boil!
were the deadmen you pulled down the guys who cut the bushes?
You are on the TOWN Board. Doesn't that have some weight?
I'm an elected town official but not on the board. Just the clerk. But it wouldn't matter if I was on the board. I live on a county highway so it's a county issue.
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