Saturday, December 11, 2010


At 8 am, we had 3" of snow. I figured I could go into town for my usual breakfast at Katie's and make it back before it reached 6". There is something about a storm like this that makes people euphoric. Everyone I saw was smiling, almost jovial. I think they feel like they've beaten death - they are a survivor. Once I got home, Indy and I went out for a walk. Got it in early since temps are suppose to start plummeting this afternoon. The snow is
still coming down. When I look out the door now this chair is buried in a drift covering the arms. Just heard the guy that plows my driveway come through but I'm not planning on venturing out again until Monday. Hopefully.


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Feb. 2010 in Maryland.
This is when it's good to have a large supply on hand of hot chocolate, popcorn and some good movies (or books) to enjoy by the fireplace. Nice.

Brent said...

I'm assuming Indy isn't under that pile of snow in the second picture! Ha.