Friday, December 17, 2010

Air Hoar Frost

Got a call yesterday that I had a lab appointment at the clinic today - remember to fast and not eat anything for 12 hours before coming in. OK. Didn't have breakfast this morning and didn't take some of my meds - the bottle says to take w/ food and I've learned they mean it. Work didn't start auspiciously when neither the herdsman nor the second milker who helps on Fridays showed up. So it was just Mike and me. After work got a call from someone requiring township help so got that figured out first. Stopped by the bank to cash my check. The bank had a spread of all sorts of Christmas cookies. I took one, bit into it, remembered the lab, and spit it into a napkin. Hope no one noticed! Went over to the clinic and got the lab completed. Finished the rest of the cookie on the way home. Really wanted to get the last of the Christmas packages out today so got busy on that. Soon I realized I was really light headed and not very coordinated. Probably should have eaten more than that cookie. To the people receiving those gifts; my Christmas wrapping is a little on the bizarre side for that reason. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It got cold here too. A freeze was predicted. So I picked my dozen oranges. It got down to 25 one morning. JVM