Sunday, October 31, 2010

Werebear Story contiued

Baron Baconberger found out that Witch Hazel was not trying to return the werebears to him but destroy them. Using a touch of magic he created another werebear that could turn from teddy bear to werebear whenever it wanted. He called it Growler and asked it to find the others and bring them home. The TerrorTeds created an avalanche that buried the werebears under the snow. Growler found them, dug them out, and threw Fang's hat into a cable car. The TerrorTeds didn't realize the wearbears were free and, wanting proof to give to Witch Hazel that they had finished off the werebears, all jumped into the cable car to get the hat. Growler slammed the cable car door, started it up the mountain, stopping it 1/2 way up thus trapping the TerrorTeds. But, on their way back to Munchen-Lunchen, the werebears were caught in a blinding snowstorm, were separated, and lost their way home. Not to worry, the werebears went on to have many other adventures. So whenever you see a teddy bear, realize, all may not be as it seems.

(That's Hannah & Madisyn, Bryce, Dominick, Russell & Donna, Zach & Jody)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!! A very good bedtime story for Ian - maybe. He has some teddybears that he really adores. Would like to keep it that way. ;-)
