Monday, October 11, 2010

A Flying Flock of ?

Guess this sewer problem is more of a mystery than I thought. The County Zoning Commissioner stopped by this afternoon to look at the mound. My plumber had given her a call and she wanted to see for herself. She couldn't believe that anything would plug the pipes in a mound this quickly (it's 6 years old). The plumber couldn't get out today so sent another neighbor to expose a bit more of the lateral pipe for him. Everything looks OK so far - it doesn't seem the grass roots were getting down to the pipe. The cloth covering and peanuts surrounding the tube were all in place. Standing on the mound, I saw a flock of geese go over and snapped a picture out of habit more than anything else. However, when I downloaded my pictures tonight, they were pretty funny looking geese. No wonder - it's a flock of sandhill cranes. (click on the picture to enlarge it.)

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