Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Color

The sewer mystery has been explained - at least to the satisfaction of the plumber and zoning commissioner. The lateral pipe within the mound was plugged w/ tiny bits of lint, hair, etc. The plumber cut it in the middle pulled out each end (it's very flexable) and used my hose to wash it out. Then he just reinsurted it through the hole and reconnected it. The problem turns out to be me (wouldn't you know it). I'm on off-peak power so, from 7 pm to 7 am, my electricity is much cheaper than during the day. On the weekends, it's cheap all day long. Since I go to bed at 7:30 pm and am out of the house by 4:15 am, I do all of my washloads on Saturday - one right after another. This way I'm using cheap electricity and also saving power by drying my wash in an already warm dryer. However, all of the water going into the sewer in a short period of time was running up and over the holding tank's filter and sloshing into the tank that is pumped into the mound. That water carried w/ it light bits of flotsam from the wash water (lint, hair, etc.) so they were not getting caught in the filter but were pumped out to the mound where they finally plugged up the small holes of the lateral pipe. I could change the way I do laundry (and I still may) but I talked to the plumber about putting a filter on the water that is pumped out to the mound. That way, no matter how the system is used, it will still work.


Anonymous said...

beautiful picture!


Brent M said...

Glad there is an explanation to your sewer dilemma. Will you be able to access the filters in the future to clean out? That would save calling the plumber each time I guess. Makes me wonder how the septic system on the farm worked for all those years without much maintenance and alarms, etc. Okay the smell wasn't always the best but seemed to work most of the time.

Anonymous said...

Where did you take this picture? It is amazing. - Rick