Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Color

Indy (the cow, not my dog) has charged me 4 times. Twice she gave me nasty bruises and twice she was thwarted by steel bars. For that reason, whenever I need to get her out of the holding pen, I take a stick w/ me and "trash talk" her. Trash talking is a variation on whistling in the dark I suppose. My favorite is "Indy, I'll see you in McDonald's and we'll both be sitting on buns. Mine will be on a chair and yours will be on a plate." I know - juvenile, but it works for me. Anyway, Indy was dried off today. That means she takes a vacation for 4 to 6 weeks while she gets ready to have a calf. Best of all, I don't have to deal w/ her for awhile. Think I'll bring cookies to work tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try - Holstein today....hamburger tomorrow!
