Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Red Squirrel in the woodpile

What does it sound like to "scream like a girl"? Brent & I were sitting on the deck, letting Indy poke around though the tall grass. She suddenly took off behind us. We both turned around and there was a little mop of fur hopping down the deck directly for me. I let out an extremely high pitched "Ooooh". The mop of fur was a red squirrel that tried it's best to make the 90 degree corner of the deck. It's back legs were airborne but the front legs kept enough of a purchase on the textured deck to make it. Indy was a 1/2 second behind and she, too, did a cartoon slide around the corner. The squirrel finally found a temporary refuge in the wood pile. I'm guessing it'll rethink it's choice about leaving the forest.

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