Sunday, May 09, 2010

Yellow Trout Lily

Good news - found three bluebird eggs in the "A" birdhouse that my brothers put up. Haven't quite figured out what that means though. Haven't seen bluebirds around that house lately. But will keep checking the nest each week and see what transpires. Seems rather apropos to find the first eggs today. Happy Mother's Day to my nieces Becky, Amy, Jody, Heather, Shelby, and Erin!


Anonymous said...

As I got near my church today there was this big tree all decked out in very bright yellowflowers. Very pretty. Don't know the name of it.
If I did a blog, I would put it on to show any and everyone.(I'd check with you about the name first.) JVM

Brent said...

Good to hear that the bluebirds found a home. Will you be able to take a picture of the eggs?