Thursday, May 06, 2010


Trilliums are blooming now and I've found two species in the area. The first one is a Bent Trillium. It's flowers hang beneath a whorl of 3 leaves. The second is the Large-flowered Trillium which holds it's flowers upright. An easy way to be certain which type of trillum you have found is to look in the center of the flower at the anthers. A Bent Trillium will have white anthers. (It's cousin, the Nodding Trillium, will have pink ones.) The Large-flowered Trillium has yellow anthers.
Always nice to see these showy white flowers in the woods. But leave them in the woods. Trilliums are about 7 years old before they bloom and picking a trillium w/ it's leaves will probably kill the plant.

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