Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Swamp Saxifrage

There are little orange flags dotting my neighbor's field. He is opening up a small gravel pit and had told me the DNR was sending a rep out to show where the "wetlands" were. I was on a hill looking down on the field. It's easy to see the wetlands from that viewpoint. Different plants grow in long term wet areas so the foliage is different from the surrounding field. I was a little surprised of some spots that were marked. They were definitely wetlands but weren't more than 12 feet in diameter. Some other areas flagged also seemed strange since they weren't wetlands (no change in flora) but swales. I'd like to believe the DNR knows what they are doing but I have doubts. Afterall, it was this organization that released rattlesnakes into a local wildlife refuge in 2000.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Leave it to you to know the difference between a wetland area and a swale!

And what's up with the business about the rattlesnakes? Do I need to put on my high heels and march down there? (You know how I feel about snakes.)

Kim A.