Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Savannah Sparrow

After all of my wildlife run-in's w/ the car, I start to work earlier so I can drive very slowly. It's still dark then and not only are deer harder to see but that is the time they are most active. The highway is straight and uphill for about 1/2 mile before my house. On the way home this morning, I could see a deer standing at the very top of the hill, standing in my lane, just watching me. She didn't even move off the road until I was almost upon her. The sun had been up for a long time, she should have been snug in her bed in the forest. Have decided in the cosmic karma of things, they are drawn to me - I'm a deer magnet. I suppose there are worse things to have attracted to you. (Would have preferred being a man magnet but, hey, we can't have everything.)

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