Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The female Harrier

Was surprised to have 24 people come out to vote yesterday. (I thought we wouldn't go over 10.) Plus 75% of them used the voting machine instead of the paper ballots. (When I started this job it was only 10% using the machine.) Helped close the polls at 8 and started on the paperwork. There is a lot of paperwork! The county clerk actually provides a 3 page cheat sheet to the town clerks to make sure we've dotted all i's and crossed all t's. The state had added a new section of questions. They wanted to know how easy it was to get poll workers. Pretty easy for us since we only needed 3 for this election. Then they wanted to know their ages (within specified ranges). That I felt was quite "beyond the pale". I gave it a moment's thought and then showed each election worker the question and asked, "Which age range do you feel you belong in." I didn't question any of their answers - even the grey-haired lady who said she was "in her 20's".

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