Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Robins are back

Every time I get into the car I am transported back to WWII. I'm listening to a book which follows 3 great generals - Patton, Montgomery, and Rommel - through their battles. I love the story where the allies had broken the enigma code but it didn't help when listening to orders Hitler gave Rommel. Rommel didn't follow orders. Then the Germans were convinced Patton must be part of the D-Day invasion. The Allies had already decided not to include Patton. But they did use him as a decoy to make the Axis think the invasion would occur elsewhere. Montgomery stopped his army's forward movement through Italy to "rest" them until Eisenhower promised him whatever he wanted. He didn't care the American army he was coming to help was in a huge battle and losing lives. I alternate between laughing, gasping, and screaming. Must be a good book.

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