Wednesday, March 03, 2010


The heifers ran into the parlor today (thinks it's the warm weather that has them all a-twitter) and the first two decided they would get into the same stall. I and Lisa, the intern, worked to convince the first one to stay where she was while backing up the rest of the cows enough to allow the second heifer to move into the next stall. Once that was accomplished we started milking. Lisa asked what I had said to the cows. I thought about it and realized, as usual, I had lapsed into German when I was yelling. Commands sound so much better in German and the language doesn't make any difference to the cows. Plus I learned most of my German from listening to my grandfather as he moved around cows. Lisa thought it was "cool". I'm not sure why - it's not like I was swearing in another language. At least.... I think I wasn't swearing. Pretty sure Grandpa wouldn't swear. Nah... I wasn't swearing. I think.


Flip said...

I remember a couple of our grandfather's German sayings. Looked one up. While it was not swearing, don't think I would repeat in English to our Mother.

Anonymous said...

Grandpa used to say something like - Du bist dine dumer asel - to the cows. Now that is what I heard phonetically - but they apparently got the message.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - forgot to sign that last message. It was from CJB

SRM said...

Yes, I occassionally will call them "dumb asses" in German but usually I just say stuff like "Gehen Sie." or "Gehst Du." or "Das ist nicht nett!" (Translation: "Go" (polite form), "Go" (familiar form), and "That isn't nice!"