Friday, March 12, 2010

Old Man's Beard lichen

At the town meeting last night the board divvied up the township. The supervisor w/ a truck said he would check the roads in the hills, another said he would check the roads in the foothills, and the last one said he would check the short subdivision roads where the township abuts the village. The snow cover is melting but the ground is frozen so they are checking where roads are in danger of being covered w/ backed up water - cleaning out culverts or pumping if necessary. I am well aware of how much water is on top of the ground - my boots filled up as I sloshed through vernal ponds today. It helped, as the water squished between my toes, to think of it as just a personal foot jacuzzi.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Personal foot jacuzzi. Okay. Isn't the water normally warmer for that?
Just sayin'.
