Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just emerging Pussywillows

You know Spring is within sight when...
... you missed the "spring ahead" warnings and showed up at church an hour late.
... your driveway is rutting because the frost is going out.
... you turn your face into the wind instead of away.
... you switch from turtle-necks to t-shirts.
... you can see more ground than snow.
... the snow buntings are gone and the harrier hawk is back.
... seed catalogs start filling up your mailbox.
... your taxes are getting higher on your list of things-to-do.
... the pussywillows begin to peek out.
... ice cream is beginning to sound pretty good again.
... your dog and cat start shedding (well, start shedding more).
... ,as Mark Twain said, "You don't know what it is you DO want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!"


Mikey C said...

This season seed catalogs began arriving before Christmas. But the sandhill cranes have arrived.

SRM said...

Maybe you order from the seed catalogs so they send them to you early. I just look at the pictures. Haven't seen the Sandhill Cranes yet - usually hear them first.