Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Barn Quilt

So far this winter is a lot like last winter - not much snow.  Called John Deere last week to see if they could do yearly maintenance on Svaldifari and Jormungandr.  They aren't very busy this time of year so offer a discount.  The lawn is frozen, the weather is too cold to go joy riding on Jormungandr and, more importantly, with very little snow I don't have to shovel a path out so the machines can get picked up.  Hopefully, like last year, I get both back within a week rather than waiting over a month in the spring.  Today was pickup day.  John Deere had warned me they would be picked up first thing in the morning.  (I think that's because their new pickup guy lives near me so he could do it on his way into work.)  I had both machines parked next to the driveway at 8 a.m.  Turns out 'first thing in the morning' means 9:30 a.m.   Svaldifari had gotten a little cold waiting but he started up after a bit of encouragement. Jormungandr was ready to go on the first turn of the key.  I waved goodbye as they left.  Then the dog and I went inside.  That was the only thing on my list of to-do's today that had to get done.  I lit an evergreen scented candle, made hot cocoa, put 'The Guests' in the CD player, and sat in the sun while I started on a new jigsaw.  As I told my cousin - listening to an audio book while I work a puzzle is my idea of multi-tasking in the winter.

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