Sunday, December 29, 2024

Jigsaw Puzzle


Another foggy start to the day.  Even though this puzzle wasn't that big I figured it would take longer to put together.  Who ever had put it in the library's jigsaw exchange hadn't put the puzzle pieces in a sealable plastic bag so they were spilling out whenever the top came loose and I was scrambling to pick them up and stuff them back in.  Finally grabbed some rubber bands from the library's stash and put it around the box.  I was sure there would be missing parts but I liked the picture.  Miraculously, all of the pieces were there!  Instead of chucking the puzzle when I finished, I can put it back in the box (in a plastic bag) and return it to the exchange for someone else to enjoy this winter.  The snug has turned out to be an ideal place to work.  I can see the TV from where I sit.  The afternoon sunlight streams in the window.  Whip curled up on the window seat in the sunlight and fell asleep.  Blitzen curled up on the pillows I'd put on the futon and also was taking a winter's nap.  Dunder sat on the ottoman opposite me so he could watch me move puzzle pieces back and forth.  This setup will work out well.

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