Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunrise through Jack Pine

Excerpts from the Sheriff's Report:

2:34 a.m. - Call from medical center about intoxicated person that left ER after he was told he wouldn't be able to take another intoxicated patient home.  Officer contacted driver who has suspended driver's license.  Both arrested.

9:45 a.m. - Caller states they purchased a vehicle from Kansas City that was stolen from the assembly plant in Detroit.  Caller trying to track down the title.  Is on hold at Detroit PD as stolen vehicle and has not been recovered.  Needs assistance from here to verify that he has the vehicle so they can release the title so it can be registered.  VIN matches stolen vehicle but color doesn't.  Detroit will not release the title as the vehicle was never recovered and is still listed as being stolen from a rental car lot in 2022.

1:29 p.m. - Call from a male who seemed impaired, asking for welfare check on his mother and stepfather as they are not answering their phones.  Officer contact with step-dad who advised they are fine and don't want to talk to son because he is drunk.  Caller happy they are OK.

3:06 p.m. - Caller requests officer response for a damaged shower curtain.  Believes someone came into apartment while she was gone and damaged it.

3:38 p.m. - A grey backpack full of items was dropped off at dispatch last night.  Person who dropped it off said they found it at a campground on river.  This is a geocache, not personal property that was misplaced.  Owner to pick up tomorrow.

4:26 p.m. - Caller states she is upset her electric bill is higher than it should be.  Believes someone is stealing her water which makes the water pump run and use excess electricity.  She placed a lock on the pump but believes they are unlocking it and stealing the water.

5:17 p.m. - Officer contact with male who said his mother took his tools and put them in his grandmother's storage unit and won't give them back.  Mother states the tools are hers.  She has receipts as she used to own a construction business.

7:46 p.m. - Caller states he saw a vehicle hit a stop sign.  Deputy contacted driver.  He admitted hitting the sign stating he was unsure what to do.  Driver recently left Amish community and is in process of getting his license.

7:49 p.m.. - Caller received a video notification of someone on their property, a male with a green Chevy.  Officer has person in custody, found that license plates don't match vehicle.

8:02 p.m. - Several calls received about a car vs. deer accident.  Female is out of vehicle but laying on the ground.  Report that husband on scene is yelling at female.  No patient transport.  Vehicle towed.

9:37 p.m. - Caller reports her adult daughter took her dog's ashes over three years ago and won't return them.  Officer left voice mail at number she provided.

10:48 p.m. - Caller asks that a deputy check on his friend who went mushroom hunting.  He last heard from her three hours ago when she reached her bike.  She had said she got hurt but did not explain.  Caller later said he heard from his friend.

10:51 p.m. - Caller states Auto Business employee is sending harassing text messages.  Officer spoke with both parties.  Caller will remove his vehicle from the Auto Business parking lot as soon as he finds a way.  Vehicle is not currently drivable.

11:30 p.m. - Caller states he can hear someone yelling "Ow, help" to the west of his address.  Officer located persons in driveway of property.  Female advised she is yelling because her stomach hurt because she had to go to the bathroom.  Persons advised to keep it down.

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