Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Corn Field


There are many days when I don't go off the property at all.  When I do have errands I try to group them all together in one trip.  Today, though, it was three separate trips into the village.   At 10:45 was my semi-annual teeth cleaning.    Again I will sing the praises of a water-pic.   Before I started using one, these sessions consisted of a lot of sharp picks, scraping, and blood.  Now the hygienist, who lives in my town, and I spend much of the time talking about elections and other town government issues.  She said she has one patient who only wants to talk politics.   He tells everyone his stance and why they need to agree w/ him.   The dentist, she said, could hear him from his office.  She laughed when I told her my rule of not ticking off anyone holding sharp instruments.   My second trip was to pick up mail at the post office.  I received notice just before I left for the dentist that two boxes were waiting for me.  I didn't have time to pick them up before my appointment and afterwards the post office window was closed for lunch break.  Drove back to town later and the post mistress handed me two large boxes.  She said the UPS guy didn't understand why people would want their boxes left at the post office instead of having him deliver them to their door.  She explained to him it was up to the shipper (Amazon in this case) on which delivery method was deemed cheaper.  Personally, I'd rather have my packages in a secure, dry, warm location even if it means another trip for me.  The meeting I wanted to attend started at 4 but the post office closes at 2:30.   So I drove into town again.  The Library Board meeting is an open meeting but I've never attended before.  This turned out to be a good one to go to.   Lego Club meets once a month at the library during the school year.  It's very popular.  There had lately been rumors that Lego Club wouldn't be offered this year and in this meeting that is exactly what the board decided to do - though not for the rumored reasons.  If the subject comes up in the future, I can explain the real reason the Library Board ended Lego Club.   They did suggest the librarian push the Family Legos option - where families come to the library at any time and play w/ the multiple containers of Lego parts on-hand.   

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