Thursday, August 01, 2024


This picture is interesting more for what's not there than what is.  This is the view I have from my computer desk and usually I'm looking out at the meadow through the glass of an aquarium that sits as a divider between me and that couch and end tables.  It has been there since I moved into the house almost 20 years ago and before that in my house in the Big City for even longer.  I had fish in it when I lived in the Big City.  When I moved here it became a terrarium w/ rocks and plants.  Brothers Brent and Phil agreed to take on a project of creating a different type of room divider to take it's place.  Besides rough dimensions, the only criteria was that I could still sit at my desk and look through it out into the meadow.  Yesterday the brothers dismantled the aquarium's substructure.  I'd already taken out the plants, rocks, gravel, and guts.   They cut the tank into flat glass sections and the bottom's 2x4's were salvaged.  The rest will be burned in Ragnarök.  I'll store the aquarium's guts and glass in Sleipnir for a year.  The parts that haven't been repurposed by then will be relegated to the trash.  I washed the floor where the aquarium stood last night.  With any luck the new divider will sit in it's place soon.

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