Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Gopher Snake (or maybe Fox)


Brother Phil was up early this morning moving stuff around in the workshop.  He noticed a long 'something' by wood he and Brother Brent had stacked.  The 'something' turned out to be a snake that was not happy about being cooped up in the building.   The brothers had spent yesterday staining out there and kept the door shut so it had been in there longer than that.   He opened the garage door and tried to shoo it out.  The snake was more concerned about protecting itself and struck out at him.  Phil eventually maneuvered it close enough to the door that the snake sensed freedom and took off for the tall grass.  Brent, Phil, and I searched the Internet to figure out the species.  We've settled on either a gopher or fox snake.  Over the last week there have been more odd things than finding a snake in the workshop.   The brothers found dead voles on the driveway a few times.  I found a dead garter snake on the apron in front of Sleipnir and a dead hummer on the deck.  Little mysteries to make life interesting.

Picture by Phil Mayer.

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