Wednesday, July 03, 2024

European Skipper butterfly

My letter-to-the-editor was in this week's paper.  I don't know why but sometime over the weekend it hit me that people should be reminded to register to vote now - not wait until the big election in November.  My state allows voter registration on the day of the election and it's usually my job to do that function.  I enjoy being part of a rite-of-passage when an 18-year old registers for the first time.  Quite often someone registers because they just moved here and I can welcome them to the area.  Once in a while I need to remind someone what documentation is required to prove residence.   (One lady became upset w/ me when I wouldn't accept a Shopko flyer w/ her name and address on it.)   Most elections have enough quiet time that I can give individual help w/ the registration form, go over it for accuracy, check residency documentation, and sign my okey-dokey.  Presidential races are much much busier.  People will have to wait for each part of the registration process.   In my letter I implored people to bypass the aggavation and save time by registering before that election.   The paper messed up my letter a little but the idea came through.  Surprisingly there were three other letters-to-the-editor about voting also.   They were more partisan than mine but it was curious.  Something happened in the last seven days that caused people, including me, to write a letter about voting.  Independence Day?  Debates?  Elections in France?  Elections in England? Supreme Court decisions?  Hurricane Beryl?  Full Moon?

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