Thursday, May 02, 2024

Mrs. Bluebird


Thought the all day drizzle might keep people from the library tonight but it had the opposite effect.  A couple of families came in to play w/ Legos that the library provides.  Their creations are on display until the next Lego Club meets.  A mother and daughter sat at a table playing dominos.  One lady caught up on work at a computer and then admitted she wasn't in the mood to go back to an empty apartment.  I pulled out the local paper and said we had some arm chairs if she wanted to read the paper for awhile.  She took me up on my offer.  Another regular was on a computer w/ research spread out around him as he typed.  I reconciled end of month numbers w/ the librarian and updated the new book list.   Before the librarian left she pointed to a rather large box filled w/ donated books.  The librarian asked me to check if we have the book already.  If we do, is the donated copy in better shape than the one we have?  How many other libraries have the book and is it actively being checked out?   This would take awhile.  I took the books out of the box, arranged them in order, and started looking each up on the library system.  If the book was an extra copy or one the library wouldn't keep I put it in the book sale box.   Otherwise, I put a note in the book w/ the info the libraian had asked for.  Had a rhythm going when one of the parents  came up and said she couldn't get her Christmas cactus to bloom like the ones in the library.  I didn't want to stop but info sharing is what libraries are for.    Figured most inside plants fail because of light and/or water.  I asked if the plant got indirect sun.  Yes, she said it did.  How often did she water it?  Daily, she replied.  That seemed excessive for a succulent and I suggested she only water once a week.  She didn't think that sounded right.   I'm certainly no gardner but when I found Internet sites recommending doing it once every one to three weeks she said she'd cut back on her watering regimen.  Finished reviewing only half the books before closing time but maybe I saved a plant.

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