Monday, May 20, 2024

Boxelder Samaras

Excerpts from Sheriff's Report:

12:19 a.m. - Report of a person dressed in camouflage and blue jeans walking north on the southbound shoulder, not doing anything wrong but should be checked on.  Officer checked.  This person is OK.

3:48 a.m. - 600 block of Third Street.  Report of dog barking at home for last half hour.  Officer checked but no barking dog.

10:52 a.m. - A group of youths sat on the pickleball court net using it like a swing.  The net is stretched out and the bolt holes are oblong.  Individual is trying to identify the youths to get them to help fix the damage that probably is not intentional.  Then the youths can be taught to play pickleball.  Security video will be reviewed.

12:49 p.m. - 600 block of Third Street.  Barking dog.  Owners put it inside when officers repond to calls.

2:22 p.m. - Caller reported an individual came in and may have stolen something and damaged property outside including toilets.  Suspect is in court right now and appears to be wearing jacket matching description of stolen item.  Man arrested.

3:45 p.m. - Report of a husband who comes home drunk.  He wakes up his wife and then verbally insults her.

3:56 p.m. - Lawn mower reported stolen.  Push type mower missing since last year.

7:14 p.m. - Caller said she spanked her child for leaving the yard and a neighbor said it was abuse.  The caller was upset and crying.  The caller was informed this is not a law enforcement issue and no other complaints of this issue have been received.  Children could be heard playing in the background.

8:51 p.m. - Caller said an angler was stopped on the road near his house and trespassing.  The angler took off at a high rate of speed with a piece of metal falling out of his truck.  Caller said the angler was 4-5 feet off the roadway onto the caller's property.  Officer advised caller 4-5 feet off the road does not constitute trespassing.

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