Sunday, April 14, 2024

Barn Quilt

While the dog and I were out and about I noticed a bird sitting atop the bird house on the north side of the meadow.  When it flew off there was a flash of blue.  Bluebirds were back!  Over winter the houses w/ doors are purposely left open to be blasted clean by the wind/cold/and sun.  Houses made out of PVC pipe are unhooked, cleaned, and stored away in Sleipnir.  Come spring I wait for the tree swallows or bluebirds to return before setting up the houses again.  Making them available too early and house sparrows will move in.   I walked out to the pair of houses the bluebird had been sitting on and fastened the doors in place.   Each time Whip and I went outside I looked over that way and eventually saw a bluebird perched on one again.   Bluebirds do a low chatter as if talking to themselves.  This one was now contentedly chirping about how great it was to be back in the Northwoods plus find a suitable nesting spot quickly.  Later a bluebird flew in and sat momentarily on the hooks where the feeders hang.  Bluebirds don't do seeds so assume she just wanted to make sure I noticed they were back.  Five of the houses are now closed up and ready to go.  I will do the other thirteen tomorrow.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Glad to hear of your bluebird sighting. Hopefully their population is coming back.