Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Jigsaw Puzzle


Met Friend Nancy for breakfast and a little shopping.  I picked up new pillows for my bed.  It might be pillows take a day or so to get used to because I was waking up often during the night from bad dreams.  They ranged from being benign as deer eating my pine trees to CSI body parts and being chased by fiends.  I wanted to let that last dream flush from my mind before I fell back asleep so turned the radio to the BBC.  They were talking about Berliners who lived through the Holocaust.  Jews and Christians had lived next to each other for generations with no problems until the balance of power changed.  Cyprus was the same way - Greeks and Turks lived side by side peacefully until there was a change in leadership.  Same in Rwanda - Hutu and Tutsi populations lived together (maybe not always happily)  until a power vacuum caused the Hutu to begin genocidal attacks on their neighbors.  The United States went through a civil war pitching neighbor against neighbor.  It's hard for me to imagine that my neighbors would ever attack me or that I could attack them - relatives maybe - but never neighbors.

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