Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Morning Reflections in the Foyer

 In the morning I drove into town and dropped off the car at that Auto Repair shop.  I'd checked in w/ Mechanic Eric last fall about replacing the car's rear brake pads.  He had buck fever at the time and asked if it could come back after hunting season.  This morning he took my keys and said it would take a few hours.  I had planned for this so walked around the corner to the Family Restaurant to have breakfast.  After that I sauntered down to Gateway Gourmet for a latte and a place to sit while reading over the town's Comprehensive Plan.  It was written ten years ago and the town is doing a review/upgrade of the data.  The Economic section listed the top 10 employers w/ businesses in the town.  Not something I knew but guessed the table of guys sitting in the corner and shooting the breeze would.  Walked over, butted into their conversation and asked them to look at the list.  They crossed out seven of the businesses as no longer existing and said another has been sold a couple of times but was still active.  My phone rang - my car was ready.  Grabbed my mail and the car and drove home. (In a small town it's nice that everything is within walking distance.)   Once home, threw my sheets in the wash.  It isn't my 'sheet washing day' but it is the beginning of Mud Season and Whip had jumped on the bed after our constitutional.  Picked up around the house and then it was time to drive back downtown to get my haircut.  Stopped off at the library to return a book  and drop off raffle tickets bought from Chief Inspector Barb after we'd finished the Public Test.  I got back home before the 4 Seasons roofer rep stopped by.  I'd called him earlier in the year to get on his schedule.  Then we'd gotten all of the snow.  It wasn't until now that the roof was viewable.  He walked around on the roof.  I explained some specific things I wanted his crew to do and he said he'd get back to me w/ an estimate in a couple of days.   After he left I got ready for the Planning Commission meeting.   I'd dropped off the committee last August since I did not agree w/ the town's plans to take zoning enforcement from the county.  However, a member left the area and this is also the group working on the Comprehensive Plan.  I agreed to get back on the committee until the review of the plan was completed.  We finished the last four chapters and except for finding 2020 census data for two graphes, it's done.  Of course there is still the matter of making the changes and getting the town to approve it.

  I'm glad I'm retired - not sure when I'd find time to work anymore.

1 comment:

Anita D. said...

"right" being the operative word.