Friday, December 23, 2022

Sunrise on the Solstice

 Excerpts from Sheriff's Report:

12:00 a.m. - Caller advised he needed Officer Schmidt at his residence but wouldn't give a reason.  Officer Schmidt and another officer responded, saw a person walking in the house but would not answer the door.  Phone contact with subject attempted three times but no one answered.

3:14 a.m. - Caller advised there is a hidden camera on their phone and bluetooth is connected to someone else's television.  Officer advised everything happens for a reason.

5:40 a.m. - 911 caller advised a transformer possible on fire.  It is smoking with a lot of sparks.  Fire department responded but there is nothing they can do to stop the wire from flaming up.  Xcel Energy contacted and asked to make this a priority one response.  Xcel advised their ETA could be at least 2 hours.

9:12 a.m. - Probation advises due to power outages all sex offender GPS bracelets are low-battery or not working.  

10:17 a.m. - Dispute over plowing and parking.  Both parties were told to growup and handle the situation like adults.  Both also were told future incidents will result in tickets or arrests.

2:14 p.m. - Caller advised wife and her boyfriend took his two UTVs and snowmobiles.  Advised caller this is a marital property dispute and to bring it up in divorce court.

4:36 p.m. - Snowmobile drivers contacted at gas station.  Advised trails are closed.  They will go home and stay on private property.

5:16 p.m. - Caller reported bullet holes in garage and bedroom windows.  Holes caused by a slingshot, not a firearm. item in

5:48 p.m. - Caller requested an officer to retrieve a gun magazine from a juvenile.  Juvenile not cooperative, but a pat-down of subject for safety reasons turned up the item in a pants pocket.  The magazine was given to the mother, who proceeded to smash it against the ground in the direction of the business windows where customers were seated.  The mother was warned.

8:14 p.m. - 911 caller advised a man in a truck with hazards lights on was shining flashlights into a home.  When asked what he was doing he cursed and said he could do what he wants.  Officer checked and it was a subject looking for an animal.

10:46 p.m. - 911 call.  Sheriff made contact with female who advised they hit a tree and have been walking for hours with no idea where they are.  Man is bleeding from head.  Township advised the area is not plowed.  Fire departments brought chainsaws to cut through downed trees on roads.  Found crash site with multiple footprints and blowing snow covering where they went.  Found subject in a cabin they broke into.  Transported both people to staging area.  Attempting to contact property owner to advise what happened.

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