Saturday, December 03, 2022

Santa is beginning to make appearances

It's the village-wide celebration next weekend and I want to have something in the library's two display cabinets since a lot of people will be coming through w/ kids to have their picture taken w/ Santa or have complementary soup and cookies in the adjoining village hall.  Got an OK for my plans from the librarian.  Left a message for the other volunteers that we would be hanging Christmas tree ornaments in the display cabinets and if they wanted to put any of their's up over the holiday they could have a whole shelf or more.  Figured I had better do my bit so stopped by the library this morning w/ a couple of bins of Hallmark ornaments I won in a give-away year's ago.  Some ornaments could sit on the shelf but others I taped to the underside of the glass shelf above.  Did two shelves and they look OK.  Think they would benefit w/ some greenery spread around so will get some sprigs to add in here and there.  Figure if I work on a couple of shelves every day should be able to have it all ready by the day of the big celebration.

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