Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Some Rabbits Change Color with the Season

More snow today.   Only about an inch on the ground but enough to show tracks.  None this morning when Whip and I went out.  Deer and bunnies must be hunkering down while they adjust to this new white paradigm. The ski hill didn't have it's lights on this morning.  I think we are in for a cold weather for at least the next week - maybe it has to be colder for them to make snow.  Right now, the temp is great for making snowballs.  When we passed my neighbor's hunting shack I saw movement at one of the windows.  Realized then that I wasn't wearing blaze orange.  I'll get that out for tomorrow's walk.  It's not gun season yet and there isn't any hunting where I walk but it can't hurt to wear it.

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