Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Looking into Sleipnir's window

My pre-election prep included post-election plans.  The following day after an election my feet and legs hurt from spending the day walking on a cement surface and jumping up when ever a new elector came in.   On Monday I'd bought the fixings for chili so I could make some comfort food today while I rest up.  We'd had 5 people working yesterday's larger election so I had been able to sit more during the day.  I felt fine today - physically.  Mentally I was down.  A voter told me he'd attended a talk recently by a mathematician on how our state's 2020 presidential election had been 'stolen'.  The voter said he didn't understand all of it but 'they' had added thousands of fictitious names to the polls before the election and then taken them off afterward.  I asked how come the multiple recounts hadn't caught that?  The voter said 'they' had a way to hide it.  I asked why there wasn't a lawsuit to prove the speaker's assertions.  The voter said the speaker had tried to get someone in the state legislation to do that but they weren't interested.  I said the speaker could bring suit himself.  No, the voter said, the speaker wasn't from our state.  (Wasn't sure why that would matter.)  I said the state assembly had spent well over a million on having a former state supreme court judge look into just these kind of allegations for the past 14 months and he'd come up w/ nothing.  The voter ended our discussion saying I should have come to hear the speaker.  It's depressing to work an election and have voters think the outcome will be manipulated.  On the plus side, I've got chili in the crockpot, the dog is so happy that I returned after being gone all yesterday that she lays her paws across my lap whenever I sit on the couch, I began a new book, and I'm eschewing the news and any election results for today at least.  A good night's sleep and the doldrums will be over.


Anonymous said...

Maybe your words will come back to that voter later. Thanks for pushing back. I wouldn't have known quite what to say; I guess I should figure that out! -Olivia

Anonymous said...

I wonder why that voter decided to vote this time if 'they' are just rigging the count anyway? Wouldn't it just be a waste of his time?
At least now he has an opposing view to ponder on.