Monday, October 17, 2022


My equilibrium was good enough only to go part way on the constitutional.  Whip wasn't happy w/ a change in our routine but she felt better after running around the house at full speed a couple of times.  No where I had to go today so I basically watched TV and slept.  Tonight I did the exercise the doc sent home w/ me - varying results from that.  Still was able to complete the usual constitutional w/ the dog.  Also checked the heat in both of the out buildings.  I've had the heat on in both buildings for a week but tonight it might actually get cold enough in the buildings for their heat to snap on.  Have a meeting tomorrow downtown.  Should be good enough to drive.  On the plus side, if the meeting becomes too boring I've got an excuse of 'not feeling well' to leave early.  Always a silver lining if you look for it.

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