Monday, October 31, 2022

Oak Leaves

Public Test of the tabulator for the upcoming election.  The other Chief Inspector and I use the time to also set up for the election and make sure we have all of the paperwork necessary.  The other Chief Inspector Barb got out of the hospital only a week ago after another bout w/ Covid so isn't yet feeling 100%.  The Town Chairman Steve came in early to help w/ moving tables and chairs around.  When Barb arrived, we figured out the where everyone would be working during the day (about 1/2 the workers are there for only half the day).  We started up the machine, turned the clock back an hour (due to Daylight Savings Time coming up), and then voted on real ballots multiple times.  Closed the polls, checked the tally against how we voted (yes, they matched).  Then zeroed out all of the counts and shut off the machine.  We applied locks to the memory, ballot bins, and printer and copied down each lock number.  When we start up on election day, we will check that nothing has been disturbed.  Took the ballots we used in the test, marked them as 'Test', put a rip in them, and put them in an envelope to be returned to the county clerk.  Steve came back as we were finishing and sat down to talk to us about the possibility of violence on election day.  It had been mentioned on the news and he wanted to let us know some things the town board had added for security.  He did say he had no reason to expect any issues here.  I remember going to the town hall w/ my parents when they voted.  Everyone seemed so respectful when voting then.  It's a different world.

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